Car Commercial #1

Soil FX reference

These are some of the videos that we are going to be working from when creating the soil FX. it is going to be a both asphalt and soil so making sure that we get a realistic version of both of these materials is going to be key.

This video is a great example of the characteristics of asphalt. the road is a combination of rocks and bitumen which is a substance that seems like a solid but is actually a highly viscous fluid. This combination makes it flexible but also tearable. I think this effect can be achieved through a RBD sim with hard constraints creating a “soft-body“ looking sim.

pitch drop video:

this is a great soil sim Peter Sanitra! There is a lvl 80 post out lining the general unspecific process he used and we will more than likely use this as a guide for the soil.

the general idea behind the soil sim is to make a RBD sim with hard constraints that are actually soft and allow some flex. Then create a Pop or Vellum grains sim that is sourced from when the RDB constraints break, and same for the pyro sim for the aerosolized dirt.