Vine Gen #1

I will be making a vine generator solver for Houdini that grows vines on any mesh the user inputs.


The solver works on this basic Vex. This is basicly saying, every frame, if there are any points in the root group find points in the “node“ group and place them in the “root“ group. This create a loop that expands the root group.

Fantasy Plant #2

Since last Post I’ve done quite a bit of work. I completely redid my pod Material and added a stem. These are going to be my two main pieces So I thought it best to sink a lot of time into them.

This is the full unedited render

The changes that have been made to the pod are, getting the noise pattern to be the correct size and shape on the pod, using ss radius for the coloring instead of ss color, and using coat as the primary specular and using the normal specular pass to only set the anisotropy for the refractions.

The other thing that I was working on is Arnold AOV’s. They are a very powerful tool that allows for massive changes in post such as relighting. You are able to assign different shaders to different AOV’s such as AO and ShadowMatte. Using LPE (light path expressions) you are able to split up each individual channel to each individual light. Light path expressions look something like this, C<TD><L.'hdri'>.* this specific expression is to specify the sss for the specifically the HDRI light group. All the expression are on: This is great for de-noising, shader tweaks, and relighting.

This is the same render but edited in nuke to have less diffuse contribution in the stem, more specular contrast, and less key light contribution.




Fantasy Plant #1

While researching plants I thought of a plant I used to play with as a kid while at school. I did some research and found it was called a jewel weed. I played with them because sometimes when you touch them they explode. I thought it would be fun to have this really explode with a pyro sim, that coupled with the seed pods interesting material, I thought this would be a very interesting project.

The First thing I went about doing was a test of pyro, to make sure I could make it collide with objects. The Pyro sim was very simple just a pyro explosion and a static solver interacting with it via a merge. I then exported it as VDB sequence with a density and heat field. I use an arnold volume and volume shader to teak the look of the sim.

I then went about modelling the seed pod. I kept it low poly and made sure to take into account at render time smoothing and subdividing. I then started on the shader and found that a combination of refraction and subsurface was what was working best, i’m still in the process of refining this but the material attributes are in the images below. The displacement is driven by 2 simplex noises, one fractal for general roughness, and one rigid for distinct wrinkles. Both noises were stretched around the model and with some remaping and clamping I found some very good results.

Although I think the biggest breakthrough was using the randomwalk attribute in the subsurface scattering. I think that is what really made it feel like the light was penetrating thought it. The issue is that this can increase render time and with such a complex scene optimizing renders will be a constant battle.

randomwalk off


randomwalk on